Navarra Venues is the perfect location for pre-wedding events. Choose from any of the Navarra Venues collection in Sydney: Conca D’oroCurzon HallOatlands HouseLe Montage and the latest addition, Lower Bar CBD for the perfect celebration or any number of pre-wedding events.

Bachelorette Hen’s celebrations can entail a night of nights where any number of our venues would suit especially our Unique Spaces.
Girls get together for a night of gift giving, food, drinks and chatter. No more agonising of whether he is into you or not, he has popped the question and you are embarking on a new journey just the two of you and you can create your own story.
Bachelor Bucks celebrations see the boys hang out for an amazing feast full of personal entertainment, music and a grazing table as long as the eye can see and certainly fit for a king and his merry men. Bye, bye single life and hello wife, the love of my life.
Our Event Producers can make your bachelorette and bucks celebrations extraordinary. Book in for a consultation today to discuss a personalised package.



“Navarra Venues can be your full service location for your big day and any of the festivities leading up to it”
